Purchasing's Future Vision and Key Challenges
What is the future vision of purchasing and the main challenges in purchasing? For businesses that want to be future-ready, knowing all this can be one of the ways to solve current and future purchasing problems. The future of purchasing is shaped by technology and digital transformation. Technology and digital transformation processes have an impact on purchasing strategies and plans. However, technology alone does not create an impact. Sourcing discipline, purchasing models, functionality and many other things affect the future of purchasing. Although Purchasing 4.0 is the first stage for this, Purchasing 5.0 will bring many more innovations. By overcoming the basic challenges, you can achieve more efficient results in your future activities.
Future Vision of Purchasing
When you look back at the last 10 years, the growth in acquisition initiatives may no longer be relevant in 2020. Businesses are undergoing rapid change due to their focus on sustainability and corporate responsibility, technological advances, geo-political and macroeconomic change, and demographic shifts. If purchasing and supply chain managers embrace these challenges, new ways of thinking about supply structures and processes and new skills and competencies will be expected to develop.
When you look around from 2020, you should prepare well for the future so that you don't say "I wish I had been better prepared." New research shows that visionary purchasing leaders can foresee the future. They also have knowledge on how to prepare. These new ideas, which replace traditional thinking, become your greatest support in achieving your goals.
-Businesses that focus on savings as well as profit are also one step ahead in terms of customer success. They closely monitor and measure all performance criteria and act accordingly. Choosing software that stores and processes data for them makes the analysis process easier. Purchasing managers can obtain more effective results.
-Businesses that get rid of their dependencies and improve their work with alternative suppliers are more successful in reducing their costs.
-Expenditure analysis has become one of the important elements for savings that businesses did not pay attention to in the past years, but should not be overlooked today. Businesses that can track their expenses with the help of technology are more efficient in using resources.
Among those who have captured the future vision of purchasing, we can see Vodafone, one of today's self-renewing technology companies. The company, which had a purchasing budget of 3 billion TL in 2017, is among those who are improving themselves in terms of future purchasing strategies. The company came together with its suppliers and hosted supplier company managers at the Supplier Day 2017 event in 2017. The company shared its new vision, goals and strategies regarding digitalization with its suppliers at this meeting. It is understood that Vodafone attaches importance to digitalization in its relations with suppliers. Information and strategies regarding important issues such as contracts, law and corporate security were also shared with suppliers. With its investments in domestic suppliers, global opportunities and purchasing, Vodafone stands out as a company with a broad vision for the future. one
Key Challenges in Purchasing
Perhaps the most problematic units of businesses or areas that have not yet been united are purchasing. Although it has managed to gain value today, the acquisition has still not fully developed. However, it made remarkable progress 10 years ago, and at the end of the 10 years, it began to be seen as a serious issue today. The main challenges of purchasing have now been largely overcome.
-Relationships with suppliers are the most important. Problems that may occur with suppliers can disrupt the entire workflow. A close communication can be the savior of everything. You can guarantee your work with contracts.
-Searching for new suppliers is perhaps one of the most difficult situations for businesses. High supply prices will not be encouraging. Therefore, it will always be necessary to cooperate and communicate with alternative suppliers.
-Marketing gimmicks can be quite challenging for a purchasing manager. That's why you can work by appointment. You can get your offers online and submit your requests from there with a software that will make your job easier.
- Blockages in the progress of the approval and authorization system may cause disruptions in plans. An automated system where you can easily get approval from everyone can be a life saver.
- A purchasing software that compares quotes can make everything easier.
YoneTeam , which can do all this for you and easily follow up on the process, offers you professional solutions with the power of technology.
1) https://www.iha.com.tr/haber-vodafone-turkiye-tedarikcilerini-gelecek-vizyonunu-paylasti-687549/ (Source obtained from Vodafone)